Are Credit Card Points Haram in UAE?: Unveiling the Truth

Title: Are Credit Card Points Haram in UAE?

In recent times, credit card points have become a popular topic of discussion among Muslims in the UAE. As the concept of earning and redeeming credit card points involves elements of reward, it has raised questions about its compliance with Islamic principles. This article aims to explore the intricacies of credit card points in the context of Islamic finance, specifically in the UAE, and shed light on whether they are deemed permissible or impermissible according to Islamic teachings.

Understanding Credit Card Points

Credit card points are incentives offered by banks and financial institutions to their customers for using credit cards for purchases. These points accumulate based on the amount spent using the credit card and can be redeemed for various rewards such as airline miles, cashback, gift vouchers, or merchandise. The allure of these rewards often prompts individuals to use their credit cards more frequently, thus accumulating more points in the process.

Islamic Perspective on Riba (Usury) and Gharar (Uncertainty)

Islamic finance is governed by the principles of Sharia, which prohibit the involvement of riba (usury) and gharar (uncertainty) in financial transactions. Riba refers to the charging or receiving of interest, while gharar pertains to excessive uncertainty or ambiguity in a transaction. These principles aim to promote fairness, transparency, and risk-sharing in financial dealings, ensuring that all parties involved are not exploited or exposed to undue risk.

Analysis of Credit Card Points in the UAE

In the context of credit card points, the primary concern revolves around the potential presence of riba and gharar. When individuals use credit cards to make purchases and earn points, they are essentially engaging in a form of deferred payment, as the actual funds may not be settled immediately. This deferred payment mechanism raises questions about the possibility of interest being incurred if the outstanding balance is not paid in full by the due date, thus implicating the prohibition of riba.

Additionally, the accumulation and redemption of credit card points involve an element of uncertainty. The value of the points and the nature of the rewards may fluctuate, leading to a degree of gharar in the transaction. Furthermore, the terms and conditions governing credit card points, including the eligibility criteria, redemption options, and point expiry policies, may introduce elements of ambiguity, thereby raising concerns from an Islamic perspective.

Scholarly Opinions and Fatwas

Given the complexities surrounding credit card points and their conformity with Islamic finance principles, scholars and Islamic finance experts have offered diverse opinions on the matter. Some scholars argue that credit card points, particularly those linked to interest-bearing transactions, may contravene the prohibition of riba. They contend that the potential accrual of interest on outstanding balances and the associated costs and fees could render the earning of credit card points impermissible.

Conversely, other scholars assert that as long as credit card transactions are conducted in a Sharia-compliant manner, and the cardholders diligently ensure the timely repayment of their outstanding balances, the accumulation and redemption of credit card points may be permissible within the bounds of Islamic finance. They emphasize the importance of adhering to ethical and transparent practices in credit card usage and point accrual, thereby mitigating the risk of engaging in impermissible transactions.

Furthermore, some scholars have highlighted the distinction between cashback rewards and non-monetary benefits when assessing the permissibility of credit card points. Cashback rewards, which entail the direct return of a percentage of the amount spent, may raise greater concerns due to their potential association with riba, while non-monetary benefits such as gift vouchers and merchandise may be viewed more favorably within the principles of Islamic finance.

Legal and Regulatory Framework in the UAE

In the UAE, the regulatory landscape governing Islamic finance and banking practices plays a pivotal role in shaping the permissibility of credit card points. The country’s robust framework for Islamic finance, overseen by regulatory authorities such as the Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre and the UAE Central Bank, underscores the commitment to ensuring the compliance of financial products and services with Sharia principles.

Financial institutions offering Islamic credit cards are required to adhere to the guidelines set forth by the UAE Central Bank and other regulatory bodies to ensure that their products align with Sharia principles. This includes the structuring of credit card offerings in a manner that upholds the prohibition of riba and gharar, as well as the provision of clear and transparent terms and conditions to customers. As such, the permissibility of credit card points in the UAE is influenced by the adherence of financial institutions to these regulatory standards.

Guidelines for Sharia-Compliant Credit Card Usage

For individuals in the UAE seeking to navigate the complexities of credit card points within the framework of Islamic finance, several guidelines can serve as a roadmap for ensuring Sharia compliance in their credit card usage.

1. Choose Sharia-Compliant Credit Cards: Opt for Islamic credit cards that are certified as Sharia-compliant by reputable scholars and regulatory bodies. These cards are structured in accordance with Islamic finance principles, thereby minimizing the risk of engaging in impermissible transactions.

2. Timely Repayment of Balances: Commit to repaying outstanding credit card balances in full and on time to avoid incurring interest and charges. By doing so, the potential conflict with the prohibition of riba can be mitigated, thus aligning with Islamic finance principles.

3. Transparency and Clarity: Prioritize credit card offerings that provide clear and transparent terms and conditions, especially regarding the accrual and redemption of points. Understanding the mechanics of point accumulation and the nature of rewards can help individuals make informed decisions in line with Sharia guidelines.

4. Avoid Interest-Bearing Transactions: Refrain from using credit cards for transactions that involve interest, such as cash advances and balance transfers, as these may introduce elements of riba and undermine the Sharia compliance of credit card usage.


In conclusion, the permissibility of credit card points in the UAE within the context of Islamic finance is a multifaceted issue that warrants careful consideration. While the accumulation and redemption of credit card points may raise concerns related to the prohibition of riba and gharar, the nuances of Sharia compliance and the regulatory framework in the UAE contribute to shaping the landscape of credit card usage.

It is imperative for individuals to exercise prudence and diligence in their credit card usage, particularly when it comes to earning and redeeming points. By adhering to Sharia-compliant practices, seeking clarity on the Sharia status of credit card offerings, and staying informed about regulatory guidelines, individuals can navigate the realm of credit card points in a manner that aligns with the principles of Islamic finance.

Ultimately, the conscientious application of Islamic finance principles and the guidance of qualified scholars and regulatory authorities can provide individuals in the UAE with the clarity and confidence to make informed decisions regarding credit card points while upholding their commitment to Sharia compliance.

As the discourse on credit card points in the UAE continues to evolve, it is essential for individuals to engage in ongoing education and dialogue on the intersection of credit card usage and Islamic finance, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of the nuances and considerations inherent in this domain. Through informed and conscientious engagement, individuals can navigate the terrain of credit card points in a manner that resonates with their ethical and religious convictions, thus fostering a harmonious integration of financial practices with Islamic principles in the UAE.

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