Is Child Marriage Legal in UAE: Uncovering the Facts

Is Child Marriage Legal in UAE?

Child marriage is a serious issue around the world. Many countries have laws to protect children. But is child marriage legal in UAE? Let’s find out.

Is Child Marriage Legal in UAE: Uncovering the Facts


What is Child Marriage?

Child marriage is when someone under 18 gets married. It can be a boy or a girl. This type of marriage can have many bad effects. Children may lose their chance to go to school. They may also face health problems.

Is Child Marriage Legal in UAE: Uncovering the Facts


Child Marriage Laws in the UAE

The UAE has laws to protect children. The country wants to make sure kids are safe and healthy. The UAE’s laws say that both boys and girls should be at least 18 to get married. This law helps protect children from early marriage.

Exceptions To The Rule

There are some exceptions to this rule. Sometimes, a judge can allow a child to get married before 18. But this is rare. The judge will look at many factors. They will make sure the child is safe and ready for marriage.

Minimum Age Exceptions
18 Years Allowed by Judge in Rare Cases

Why Child Marriage is a Problem

Child marriage can cause many problems. Kids who get married early often miss school. This means they can’t get a good education. Without education, it is hard to get a good job. This can lead to poverty.

Health Risks

Child marriage also has health risks. Girls who get married early may have babies too soon. This can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby. Young mothers are not always ready for the challenges of pregnancy and childbirth.

Emotional Impact

Getting married as a child can be very hard emotionally. Kids may not be ready for the responsibilities of marriage. This can lead to stress and sadness. They may also feel isolated from their friends and family.

Global Efforts to End Child Marriage

Many organizations are working to end child marriage. The United Nations is one of them. They have a plan to end child marriage by 2030. They work with countries to create and enforce laws. They also provide education and support to children and families.

Role Of Education

Education is key to ending child marriage. When kids go to school, they learn about their rights. They also have more opportunities for the future. Educated children are less likely to get married early.

Community Involvement

Communities also play a big role. Community leaders can help change attitudes about child marriage. They can teach people about the dangers of early marriage. They can also support families in making better choices for their children.

  • Education
  • Community Support
  • Strong Laws

What Can You Do?

You can help end child marriage too. Here are some things you can do:

  1. Learn about the issue. The more you know, the more you can help.
  2. Talk to others. Share what you know about the dangers of child marriage.
  3. Support organizations. Many groups are working to end child marriage. You can support them with your time or money.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Child Marriage Allowed In Uae?

Child marriage is generally not allowed in UAE. Legal age for marriage is 18.

What Is The Legal Marriage Age In Uae?

The legal marriage age in UAE is 18 years old.

Are There Exceptions To Marriage Age Laws?

Yes, exceptions exist with court approval under special circumstances.

How Does Uae Enforce Marriage Laws?

UAE enforces marriage laws through legal regulations and necessary court approvals.


Child marriage is not legal in the UAE for those under 18. There are rare exceptions, but they require a judge’s approval. Child marriage can cause many problems, including health risks and missed educational opportunities. Global efforts are in place to end child marriage by 2030. Education, community involvement, and strong laws are key. Everyone can help by learning, talking, and supporting organizations. Together, we can make a difference.

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