How to Dodge the Extra 20AED on UAE RTA Fines: Insider Tips

How to Avoid the Extra 20 AED on UAE RTA Fines

The UAE is known for its strict traffic rules. Failing to follow them can lead to fines. One common issue is the extra 20 AED added to fines. Let’s explore how to avoid this extra cost.

How to Dodge the Extra 20AED on UAE RTA Fines: Insider Tips


Understanding RTA Fines

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) oversees traffic regulations in the UAE. They issue fines for various violations. These include speeding, parking incorrectly, and running red lights.

What Is The Extra 20 Aed?

When you receive a fine, you must pay it promptly. If you delay, an extra fee of 20 AED applies. This charge is added to encourage quick payment. Avoiding this charge is essential for saving money.

Tips to Avoid the Extra Charge

1. Pay Your Fines Quickly

The best way to avoid the extra 20 AED is to pay on time. The RTA gives you a deadline. Make sure to pay before this date.

2. Use The Rta App

The RTA has a mobile app. Download it for easy access to your fines. You can check your fines and pay them directly. This saves time and helps avoid extra charges.

3. Set Reminders

Use your phone to set reminders. When you get a fine, mark the payment date. Setting reminders helps you avoid missing payments.

4. Know The Fine Details

Read the fine carefully. Check the amount and payment deadline. Understanding your fine helps you avoid surprises.

5. Use Multiple Payment Options

The RTA offers various payment methods. You can pay online, through the app, or at kiosks. Choose the method that works best for you.

6. Keep A Record Of Your Payments

Always keep a record of your payments. Save receipts or screenshots. This helps if there are any disputes regarding your fines.

7. Stay Informed About Changes

Traffic rules may change. Stay updated about these changes. Follow the RTA’s official channels for the latest news.

Common Traffic Violations and Their Fines

Traffic Violation Fine Amount (AED)
Speeding 300 – 3,000
Parking Violation 100 – 1,000
Running a Red Light 1,000
Using a Phone While Driving 800
Not Wearing a Seatbelt 400

Why Avoiding Extra Charges is Important

Avoiding the extra 20 AED may seem small. However, it adds up over time. Saving money is essential for everyone. Understanding how to avoid extra charges can help you financially.

How to Dodge the Extra 20AED on UAE RTA Fines: Insider Tips



In summary, avoiding the extra 20 AED on RTA fines is easy. Pay your fines quickly and use the RTA app. Set reminders and keep track of your payments. Stay informed about traffic rules and changes. By following these tips, you can save money and stay stress-free.


1. What Happens If I Don’t Pay My Fine On Time?

If you don’t pay on time, an extra 20 AED is added. Paying late can lead to higher costs.

2. Can I Pay My Fines In Installments?

No, fines must be paid in full. Make sure to pay the total amount promptly.

3. Where Can I Find My Fines?

You can find your fines on the RTA app or website. You can also check at RTA offices.

4. What If I Disagree With My Fine?

You can appeal your fine. Submit your appeal through the RTA’s official channels.

5. Can I Pay Fines For Someone Else?

Yes, you can pay fines for others. However, you need their fine details.

Final Thoughts

Traffic rules are crucial for safety. Following them helps everyone on the road. Avoiding extra charges is a smart choice. Use these tips to stay informed and save money.

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