Microchipping Your Pets: Everything You Need To Know   

Microchipping is an important step when owning a pet in Dubai. It has many benefits, including your pet’s safety. 

A survey by TGM Research found that 52% of their participants own more than one pet. With the rising number of pet owners in the UAE, microchipping is one way to ensure that pets can safely return home in case they are lost.

If you’re considering getting a pet for the first time, continue reading to learn everything you need about microchipping your pets, from the process to the legalities. 

What Is Microchipping?

Microchipping involves implanting a tiny device called a microchip under your pet’s skin using a simple injection. 

The microchip is about the size of a rice grain and doesn’t need a battery or any power to work. It’s a radio-frequency transponder that transmits a unique ID number when scanned with a microchip reader. The ID number is stored in a database with all the pet owner’s contact information.

Benefits of Microchipping 

Microchipping has several benefits, including:

  • Provides permanent identification

ID tags and collars are often used to identify a pet. However, these can easily be lost or stolen. A microchip eliminates this issue, as it’s embedded under the animal’s skin, so it can’t fall off.

  • Stores medical information

Microchips can also provide your pet’s medical information and history. In emergencies, veterinarians in Dubai can easily access this vital information and provide effective care for your pet.

  • Legal compliance

Many regions, including Dubai, have already passed laws mandating microchipping. This can help identify your pet properly and prevent legal issues in case your pet is found wandering around.

  • Peace of mind

Microchipping provides pet owners with reassurance and peace of mind that their pets will be found immediately when they are lost.

How is the Microchipping Process Done?

Microchipping is a very straightforward process. The paperwork takes more time than implanting the microchip. Here’s the step-by-step procedure for microchipping in Dubai.

Step 1. Consultation

Your chosen veterinarian will give a brief consultation, explaining the benefits and how the microchipping process will be. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the procedure, this is the time to ask the vet.

Step 2. Preparation

During this step, your pet will be prepared and calmed down if it’s anxious. The vet will begin sterilizing the skin area where the microchip will be injected.

Step 3. Implantation

Once your pet is ready, the vet will inject the microchip. The process is similar to vaccination shots, which only take a few seconds. Your pet might feel a slight pinch, but it’s tolerable and not painful.

Step 4. Scanning and Registration

After implanting the microchip, the vet will scan it to ensure it works properly. Finally, your contact information and pet’s medical details will be registered in the database with the microchip’s ID number. 

Microchipping Costs

Microchipping prices depend on the location and veterinary clinics. But don’t worry as it’s very affordable.

In Dubai, the cost of microchipping may range from AED 100 to 300. The service typically includes your pet’s registration with the Dubai Municipality. You can also find vet clinics that offer first-time pet owners packages like consultations with microchipping.

Do Microchips Have GPS Tracking?

There’s often a misunderstanding about microchipping pets. Many people have been led to believe that a microchip can help them track their pets when they get lost, but this isn’t true.

A microchip’s sole function is to provide information about the pet and its owner. But, having one will increase the chances of a lost pet reuniting with its owner.

If you’re looking for a device to help you track your pet, you can look for collars equipped with GPS tracking.

Legal Requirements for Microchipping

To register your pet in Dubai, you must ensure its rabies vaccination is up-to-date and that it has a microchip. Your veterinarian will probably discuss this with you during the consultation, as they won’t be able to register your pet after implanting the microchip without updated rabies shots.

You must also know that it’s in the law that your pet gets rabies vaccine yearly. Without these, your pet won’t be able to get its ID tag as well.

Microchipping for Different Pets

According to Dubai’s laws, all pet cats and dogs must be microchipped. However, other pets can also be microchipped if their owners wish.

Various pets can be microchipped, including birds, rabbits, and even reptiles. Still, the vet must assess whether your pet can have this implant. As the microchip is the size of a rice grain, smaller pets like hamsters may not be able to receive the implant well.

Keeping Your Pet’s Information Updated

A microchip will only be effective if you update your information in the registration database. Whenever you move to a new home, change your phone number, or adopt another pet, you must immediately update your pet’s profile. 

When you fail to do this, you might not be able to find your pet when it gets lost. Here’s what you need to do to update your pet’s details.

  1. Go to the Dubai Municipality Website or click this link to the Register Pet and Farm Animals page.
  2. Next, select “Apply Now” and sign in to the website with your UAE Pass or DM Account.
  3. Under the application type, select “Individual” and choose the Pet Animals category. 
  4. You must select “Amend” under the request type to change your contact number or location.
  5. You can now edit and recheck any information to ensure everything’s accurate.
  6. Once you’re done, click “Submit”.

Keep in mind that there’s an amendment fee of AED 10, so you need to make sure that all information is accurate before hitting submit. After you’ve successfully updated your pet’s registration details, you’ll receive a confirmation email or SMS.

Common Concerns & Myths about Microchipping

Before proceeding with microchipping your pet, let’s address all the myths that surround this procedure.

  • Microchips are not GPS trackers. They don’t provide real-time tracking as they’re only devices for pet identification. 
  • Microchips are painless. Once implanted, they don’t cause pets any discomfort. The only time they’ll feel it is during the injection process, which is only a slight pinching feeling.
  • Microchips won’t get displaced within an animal’s body. As your pet grows and ages, it might move from its original spot, but it won’t go too far, and it won’t affect any organs.
  • Microchips will not cause any major health issues. There are very rare complications with the procedure, but these aren’t life-threatening. With regular consultations with your vet, any health issues can be diagnosed and treated early.
  • You must still provide your pets with collars and ID tags even when microchipped. Don’t just rely on microchips for added protection and safety for your pet.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to microchip a cat?

The cost of microchipping a cat is the same as that of other pets. In Dubai, the cost ranges from AED 100 to 300, depending on the vet clinic and the additional services they will provide.

How do I put a microchip in my dog?

A licensed veterinarian should do microchipping. The vet will inject the microchip under your pet’s skin. For dogs, it is usually implanted between the shoulder blades using a special needle injection.

Where are cats microchipped?

Cats are usually microchipped between the shoulder blades for easy scanning.

Can a dog have two microchips?

Yes, a dog can have two microchips, but it is not recommended since this may confuse. When adopting a rescued stray animal, consult your vet to check whether your new pet already has a microchip.

Do microchips expire?

No, microchips don’t expire. It’s designed to last for a pet’s lifetime. But your pet’s registration details must be kept up-to-date.

How long do microchips last in dogs?

A microchip can last for about 15 years or more in dogs. It’s made with biocompatible material and doesn’t degrade within an animal’s body.

Can you feel if a dog or cat has a microchip?

A microchip is usually undetectable by touch because it is too small and implanted in the skin’s subcutaneous tissue.

At what age should I microchip my dog?

It’s recommended that you microchip your dog as soon as possible. For small puppies, many vets advise that microchipping be done when they reach eight weeks.

Can dogs shower after microchipping?

Microchipping is minimally invasive, so dogs can shower without issues after the procedure. However, it’s best practice to avoid irritating or rubbing the area where the microchip has been injected for at least two days.

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